Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Creation vs. Evolution?

At first, I was entertained by much of the content I found on GodTube. Some of the videos that attempt to disapprove Evolution and Darwinism are hilarious. Notable videos include "The Atheist", "Argument Against Evolution", "Four Problems With Evolution", "Evolution Cartoon", and my personal favorite, "Peanut Butter - Atheist's Nightmare". Taken out of context, some of these videos might appear to be the work of comedians or pranksters. Unfortunately, most (if not all those I've reviewed to date) are not jokes at all.

Certainly, there ought to be room for a healthy debate between Creationism and Evolution. It is a shame that much of the supporting arguments I've seen in favor of Creationism appear to be based an incomplete understanding of the available scientific evidence in support of Evolutionary Theory. I'm not a scientist, but I do understand the difference between biogenesis and abiogenesis. I also understand that there is a huge difference between what happens over the period of 6,000 years and 6 billion years.

Frankly, I'm not terribly concerned with whatever the actual "truth" is. I'm human. I lean towards subjective reasoning. Looking for an "absolute truth" as to the origins of something I was not around to personally witness would seem an invitation to certain insanity. I'd rather embrace a flexible perspective that provides me with the greatest opportunity to appreciate the reality I am currently experiencing.

Creationism points to an Intelligent Design. I like this idea as it is representative of my perceptual experience as a human being. When I sit back and appreciate the world around me, I am delighted by the artistic complexity I see. There is a lot more than meets the eye. I like the idea that the Universe, in all its chaotic beauty, was created by a higher intelligence.

I like the idea of evolution as it is representative of my physical experience of being a human with a limited lifespan. I've witnessed evolution in my own life. I've grown and adapted along the way in many senses of the word. My body is certainly much different than it was when I was a child. The aging process reminds me that my body is like the world in small - it changes and adapts and evolves and improves.

The Bible does not offer a date as to when God created the Heavens. However, there are many suppositions as to when Creation supposedly happened. My intuition tells me that the Earth has been around for a very long time. It is possible that the Universe has been around a lot longer. Who is to say for sure?

In any event, I have no problem believing the research of so many reputable scientists. Their facts and theories are only as meaningful to me as they are useful in appreciating this mortal experience. At the same time, I have no problem believing that God created this Universe as a magnificent paradox for mortals to entertain themselves with.

I'm sure that many Christians would argue that my beliefs are contradictory. How can anyone believe in God and believe in evolution at the same time? Well, I don't see these ideas as being mutually exclusive. The Bible doesn't mention a great many things. It would be insanity to limit my understanding of the Universe to the Bible's limited explanation of the natural world. I doubt that God is threatened in the least by our collective theories regarding how it all came together.

The thing is... I wonder how much of any of this really matters. If the Bible didn't exist, I'd still believe in God. My faith requires no proof. In fact, I'd argue that searching for "proof" that God exists implies a powerful belief that God doesn't exist.

At the end of the day, it's about faith. I believe Jesus was extending an invitation to mankind to transcend this "I believe it when I see it" attitude. He was encouraging us to think outside the box.

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